Tea Benefits

Kashmiri Kahwa: An Elixir For Good Immunity

Kashmiri Kahwa: An Elixir For Good Immunity

Kashmiri Kahwa: An Elixir For Good Immunity

Kashmiri Kahwa : Kashmiri Kawah derived from an Arabic word which means “exiting the spirit”, surely justifies the Kashmiri beverage of the same name. 

A classic drink from the Himalayan valley, a soul warming cup oh Kahwa is traditionally prepared using green tea leaves ,infused with a range of exotic spices; Kashmiri saffron, cinnamon bark, cardamom pods, nuts and rose petals , being some of the basic ingredients. However, there is no specific way of making Kahwa; it can be concocted using different spices. The various traditional types of kahwa are: dalcheen kehwa (cardamom kahwa), zaffron kehwa (saffron kahwa) and dammtueth kehwa (lemon kahwa) 

Kahwa - The queen of Tea

Rich in antioxidants, many claim that kahwa inhibits the’ power to immediately transport a person to a better place, perhaps heaven itself,’ 

The origin of kahwa show variations. Some claim that Kashmir used to get this special tea form china, through Tibet. Another claim being its roots being in Yakrland , Turkistan ; while some speculate that Mughals introduced it to Kashmir (which is corroborated by the fact that kahwa is known as- ‘ Moghul Chai in various pandit households).

Kahwa(s) were traditionally prepared in a samovar, which is a brass kettle and served in khos, a bronze cup. 

Tea lovers have claimed that a single cup of kahwa can improve mood, reduce stress and improve concentration. The drink can make you feel completely energised and relaxed.

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